Carry on Venus
Bulls Eye
The Pawpaw leaf is power-packed full of antioxidants rich A, C and in the enzyme papain which may help digestion disorders like IBS and also contains chymopapain potentially helping alleviate constipation and bloating. It said to help break down carbohydrates, proteins and mineral in the digestive tract, while also improving vital nutrient absorption to support a healthy immune system. Pawpaw leaf can also assist in regenerating your platelets and white blood cells which builds immunity and may even prevent cancer and slow the ageing process!
Said also to treat malaria and dengue fever symptoms. It supports skin and help skin rashes, even eczema, treats dandruff too - best winter tea ever!! Boost energy levels! 1-2 cups a day sounds good to me!
VENUS TIPS: My Papa came up with this cool AF acronym to help me stay focused on my purpose. I realised that cleansing your gut-brain is necessary to realise your dreams and begin to focus on creating them - similarly, the Bulls-Eye Papaya Teatox fights and protects - ah, ya Manifesting Magic Papa! Ya, Ya, Manifesting comes so much more easily when you are clean and clear. Drinking this tea 2-3 times daily will help you be totally healthy to turn your dream into a new realiTEA! This can be a bit bitter add a spoon of manuka honey drink warm or add a slice of cucumber on ice nice to sip as a coffee chaser too!
This is also such a yummy tea to serve guests at Moon ceremonies to cleanse.