Carry on Venus
Skinny Deep
Slimming and stimulating 45g
I love watching the stunning purple hibiscus flowers in the teapot as they bleed a deep purple-red colour and holds so many benefits! Best way to start your day with this teatox blend. It will take effect by speeding up your metabolism which promotes healthy steady weight loss. Also, it may well open you up to feel more in touch with yourself and the pure potential. Will reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, aid the immune and digestive systems and act as an anti-inflammatory.
The terrific tea leaves in this amazing drink everyday tea include
- Yerba Mate’ leaf proves to have many benefits including up to 90% more antioxidants than green tea. It is said to boost your immunity, aid digestion, mental focus, and promotes weight loss.
- Hibiscus flowers packed with antioxidants - which are molecules that help fight compounds called free radicals, which cause damage to your cells. Said to speed metabolism help digestion for healthy weight loss amongst other benefits listed
- Dandelion leaves may aid in weight loss, may help reduce cholesterol, fight blood sugar levels, help remove excess water from your body and detoxify the liver too.
- Burdockroot holds many unique antioxidants, digestive aid and diuretic
- Sencha green tea used for increased energy, aid weight loss, stimulate cognitive activity and much more
- Schisandra berry finds your focus and endurance.
- Pawpaw leaf a potent antioxidant that's enzymes break down proteins including gluten helping digestion
- Garcinia cambogia popular aid in weight loss in a variety of forms
- Acai berry As a brill all-around antioxidant
- Calendula petals the orange ones, an ancient detoxifier boost your immunity, stimulates healing, great for skin
Skinny Deep Tea is a perfect detox tea blend to naturally slim, stimulate, focus, endure and feel good.
This really is NEXT LEVEL tea made with love from Venus xx